Are Facebook Ads still effective in 2021
Digital World Tech Reviews

Are Facebook Ads Still Effective in 2022? – Here 6 Reasons That Say Yes!

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Over the years, Facebook changed its interface, functionality, security measures, and a bunch of other things.  

Not to mention, how can we forget that now it has a parent company called Meta? 

But yes, did these changes affect Facebook Ads in 2022? To get a meaningful answer about this, please go through this article.

1. Facebook is Still the Biggest (so is the Facebook Ads)

Go over to Google and type the exact same thing. Most probably, you’ll find an answer like this:

Facebook ads-1

More than 2.8 billion is something that shows us immense growth. And considering this, it’s crystal clear that it has a big chunk of audience for almost every niche. 

Facebook User Stats

But wait, last year between October and December we heard that Facebook turned down around 1.3 billion fake accounts. 

Would fake accounts negatively impact our advertising? 

Of course, it can to some extent because useless impressions might eat up your money. 

Other than this, these impressions with no engagement would send algorithm a signal to increase your ad cost. After all, that’s how it works. The more engagement you have on your ad, the less ad cost becomes or vice-versa. 

However, if you target wisely, you might save yourself from making appearances in front of these fake accounts. 

2. Detailed Targeting Expansion is A Big Boon 

When you enable detailed targeting expansion, you show your ads only to those people that are interested in the type of business you’re in. 

Think of it like this: 

You have a great restaurant. 

Now you target those people who are interested in KFC, Dominos, Subway, etc. 

If you do this, you indirectly tell Facebook to target only those who love to eat. 

Doing this you boost your conversion at a lower cost. In other words, Facebook can find you monkeys for bananas. 

targeted advertisement on facebook1

3. Versatility in Ad Types Unlocks More Potential for Your Business 

In 2022, we have ad types like: 

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Carousel 
  • Animated Gifs
  • Story 
  • Messenger 

Within your ideal targeted customer base, there’s going to be an audience who may like videos or images only. 

For instance, an audience that loves to read would definitely be persuaded by images and text ads. 

On the other hand, an audience that surfs YouTube all day long would either go with videos or gifs. 

With this kind of sense of belonging, we can increase our sales to a great extent and it would be highly effective. 

4. It’s A True Savior of Cold Marketing 

Showing a great discount to an audience that loves to eat would be highly effective. 

If KFC is selling chicken for $2.99 without a discount and you’re selling it for $3.25 at 25% off, people would buy yours.

Reason being, people love to receive value and you can leverage this a lot in the era of funnels. 

Speaking of funnels, just suppose this: 

You make a funnel where people are required to put their email for a 50% off coupon. 

At that time they can get 25% off, but later on you can sell them again at a regular price. 

There’s a saying in marketing – people tend to buy more from places where they already bought before. 

On top of everything, those who master the art of writing such an ad copy that converts get way more results than those who don’t. 

5. Make An Impact with Facebook Pixels 

A marketing software company, Kenshoo, says consumers tend to convert 70% more because of retargeting. 

People who engaged with your ad but didn’t give their emails are not really causing cost. 

This is a fast-moving world. We don’t know whether a man is getting a call at the moment he sees your ad or a mother is serving her son some food. 

To make these people your customers, you can retarget them again with the same or a more compelling offer with the help of Facebook Pixels. 

If they did not buy your offer at 50% off, you can either go with the same offer or try 60% off. 

6. Split Test to Find the Most Profitable Ad

When it comes to split testing, we can create 2 different variations of our targeted audience. 

In fact, we can try out different pairs to understand which one can give more for every buck spent. 

As you can see in the given image, one that got us 63 leads did cost us around $6.81 for each lead. 

And the one that gave us 284 leads, were asking for $3.39 for each lead.

Split test to find the most profitable facebook ad

Hence, this proves Facebook is still one of the most inexpensive ways for promotion. 

So, Are Facebook Ads Still Effective in 2022? 

Facebook Ads are not dead in 2022. Those who understand the basic principle we’ve shown below, can still make it better than those who don’t. 

Facebook ads still effective in 2021

Here’s how it works: 

  1. To get started, you need to make the audience aware about the product you’re selling. 
  2. After that, they’ll consider the offer you’re providing by giving you an email for an incentive or reason. 
  3. Eventually, they’ll convert and later on become loyal and might also bring more customers for your business. 

Read More: 4 Tips to Make Better Text Ads on Google

Gesten Van Der Post
An experienced content writer and digital marketer, Gesten loves to travel, watch movies and play random sports.

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