A passionate tech blogger who loves to read and write about technology, interesting concepts, and science. Additionally, I love to code and recently develop a mobile app, "The Mutual Fund Journal" for Indian users and working on it to extend for all.
BIM Application in Construction Quality Control and Assurance - Header
Digital World

BIM’s Application in Construction Quality Control and Assurance

BIM, aka Building information modeling, is a key component in construction businesses. Here we will discuss a brief about BIM and its application in construction quality control and assurance. Buildings and infrastructure require consistent quality assurance to comply with both international and local standards. Building information modeling (BIM) is a technology that can help increase […]

Benefits of Construction Telematics - Header
Business World

3 Amazing Benefits of Construction Telematics

Here we will discuss what construction telematics is and 3 significant benefits of construction telematics. What is telematics technology? Telematics refers to the utilization of telecommunications and informatics, wherein communications and information technology are employed to transmit, store, and retrieve data between devices and remote objects via a network. Why telematics technology for the construction […]